Saturday 13 February 2016

Oh hey blog readers, it's been a couple of weeks since I've posted. What has happened?

I've re commenced real active training which is making me super :) I have been a little non structured with it though. Setting my alarm and not actually getting out of bed some days. I have decided this needs to change, there is no point planning exercise and not actually doing it when it just makes me feel like I've wasted an opportunity to achieve my goals.

This week was the first week I actually managed a full week of training like I used to, the last time was probably 15 months ago, due to recurring back injuries all last year.

 Had some photo's taken yesterday for a before and after comparison, not my favorite thing to do!

Clearly and honestly , I hadn't noticed just  how far from my body shape/ size  goals my current physique was, so the photo session as confronting as it was,  it was a sharp reality slap that I hadn't really gotten a glimpse of in a while I try to avoid looking in the mirror when semi naked:).
After this I checked  my time hope app which  bought up a 3.5  year old photo, this of course was  when I was a much leaner version of the current me  and it was like bam!

I know I achieved that, I also know it was achieve through believe in myself and pushing beyond any limits I thought I had. I know I can do it again ( this time will be healthy and less traumatic for my body) Right now I need to  stop living in the negative and looking at the past,  this body of  mine has had to endure quite a bit of trauma these last  3.5 years with surgeries and back injuries and all the other toxic crap I have thrown at it.  I need to let it go and do what I can now to make it better not live in the could of been alternate reality.

Here's to a time frame of commitment and belief that I can make the change needed to achieve my goals one step at a time.

Have a great Sunday xo

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