Tuesday 19 January 2016

A couple of things, I suck and not drinking alcohol at the moment. I've never been one to enjoy a nightly drink but that is my crutch at the moment. Need to break that, I hate feeling like I just have to have it to get through to the end of my day but that's exactly how I have felt.

A clever workmate, tagged me in an article on facebook that I have been contemplating ever since. Basically it was saying life is not about how happy we feel all the time and the good feelings we live with it's about the pain we are willing to live with to achieve the happiness we want.

For example to lose bodyfat I have to be willing to eat less sugar, processed foods, plan and prepare my food and be prepared to  drink mainly water, while also  incorporating  a certain amount of physical activity as I have learned from the past this cannot be excessive or extreme or my body will not function the way I chose. To achieve my goal of less body fat and a more functional body I  may have to do painful things that  involve getting up early to exercise before work , it  may involve declining a dinner invitation, or accepting and taking my own prepared food, choosing not to go because the venue does not allow for me to stick to my eating choice or simply  sitting there watching other people eat foods I have enjoyed while I choose not to.

 Most people who are successful with long term body change after struggling with weight are people who have worked out the level of pain they are willing to live with to achieve their happiness. I clearly had a want but had not worked out the level of pain I was willing to live with the achieve my goal.

This principal can be applied to almost every aspect of life, for me and this blog I have made it about body transformation/ fat loss but you can see where I am going with this.

I have returned to training after being a no exerciser for almost 3 months and I can tell you it's hard committing the time and effort to get it done, but I know I need to if I want to reach my goal.

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