Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Sometimes I feel like a fraud, how can I study fitness and still struggle sometimes with my own journey to health and well being. You know what that's life, you are kidding yourself if you think once you reach a goal weight, size shape that everything will just fall into a place where it's easy. You have to consciously make a commitment to be better, do better every day.

I feel embarrassed sometimes when people ask what I'm studying and I tell them and I can see it in their eyes. The really YOU'RE studying fitness, how can someone not fit/ lean study fitness.

My decision to study was never about wanting to be a personal trainer to the fit and athletic, it was about wanting to provide some guidelines for fitness and nutrition, valuable  information that has changed my life so completely I do not recongnise the person I once was. To be a source of inspiration and motivation to those who are lost and struggling beyond my comprehension with depression and anxiety and are just wanting to take control of their life and move forward.

Maybe I can learn to over come my own issues with self esteem, self worth and be who I was created to be, maybe the purpose of all this is to allow me to make  conscious decisions to exercise and nourish my body because it is the only way I can function and live to my potential. Growing and learning about how my body functions has been so much fun. I just want to learn more and be able to pass on that knowledge.

I may not be the vision of someone who is lean, fit strong but I'm working on it, step but step day by day.

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