Yesterday marked the taking of the before photo's for the YNB challenge, what is there to say about that ,aside from yuck! It was an unpleasant part of the challenge but a necessary one I know that.
The first two days of the challenge were harder than what I would normally like as we had done no food shopping so was living off very little vegetables and little lean protein. I am going to make sure if nothing else we have tuna in spring water available all the time.
It's hard to admit this but I am finding the idea of re losing the weight I gained from last year such a mental battle.
This challenge provides me with a time frame I can commit to and prove to myself food is NO longer in control of me. What I mean by that is, over the last year I would start a challenge weather public like the one I am currently a part of or private with myself. The problem is my head, not focusing 100% on my goal for the time frame I was committing to. It was easy to think it was ok to have "special occasions"doing what I wanted in terms of nutrition and have a little or a lot of food that is not part of the plan. To be completely honest there was heaps of people around me saying " oh you need to allow yourself "treats" or it's so easy to go off track. Yes that might be true but for me to often a treat meal becomes a slack week and a week becomes 2 etc.
This weekend it's time to do things differently, it is my 40th yeah time frame to achieve my goal size/ shape not achieved :( but I am not dwelling on the negative I am going to be positive and my plan to stay on track will focus me for the weekend. I am not allowing myself to have a "cheat" no alcohol no food that is not providing nutrition and simply emotional. It will be hard as I know there will be foods I really enjoy around me. I want to prove once and for all that food does not control me, it is simply a way to fuel my body and the moment of enjoyment I experience in a sugar high is just not worth the life time of health problems and self loathing I have had..
While I no longer do 1-1 pt with Sean, he is the pt who runs the group sessions I am a part of and the pt I am working with for the challenge. His comment to me before the challenge started when I was asking him what extra exercise I could be doing during the challenge. He said he would like for me to do the challenge with one training session a week and 100% nutrition to prove to me that it's more about the food than anything. I appreciate his honesty and I know what I need to do to have control over this challenge and my life.
Now to move my body to build some muscle :-)
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