Tuesday, 4 February 2014

I wanted to of reached my goal before I started studying fitness, I wanted to of achieved my dream and be able to sit in the class room without feeling like I didn't belong, that I shouldn't be there.

I realise my thinking is wrong, wrong because it takes away from my passion of wanting to be there to help others who are struggling with many of the issues I have struggled with,  my reasons for being there are no less valid than anyone else. It is also wrong assuming people will judge me based on the size of my body, with no understanding of who I am.

 I am not stupid there may be members of the class who  think all those things, my sensitivity about how I look right now, clouds my perception of what I believe people see when they look at me. What I am greatful is that I ignored those feelings of insecurity enough to enrol.
This is me being honest with myself about how bad it all is now, this is me in 3 digits again, a place I promised myself never, ever to go back to, yet here I am 2 years later exactly where I was. This picture is sad and inspiring, because I know it can change and I want it to, now more than ever.

My smart goals:

Specific: I want to reach the middle of the healthy weight range for my height.

Measurable: I will be able to track progress with weekly weigh in on a day to be determined.

Attainable: If I continue to train in a controlled manner and eat according to my goals it will be achievable.

Relevant: Achieving the goal is relevant to how I want to live and the desire to pursue helping others through volunteer work.

Time Frame: I want it done by the time school graduates which is November, so 3.9kg a month roughly.

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