Thursday, 2 March 2017


This week has seen my life take off in a new direction and I love it!

 I re enrolled to study at a Christian higher education provider, I can hear the groaning but listen  for me this is the perfect place,  an extension of my faith and gaining an undergraduate degree in a supportive community of like minded folk in a very small setting, close proximity to my house and just a peaceful pleasant place to be. 

I started the week enrolled in one community development subject, one core theology/ language based subject and a counselling subject.

 Tuesday I had withdrawn from counselling, knowing before I walked into the first scheduled class, this doesn't feel complete, this is not quite right. 

I  started looking into the options for subjects to combine with the community development major just before break,  I really wanted to do no less than 3 units this semester. Nothing in the theology or youth streams was available. I soon  realised very quickly the answer was staring at me.  I just  needed to ask the question and see if the area, the one I yearned to study, deep within me for at least thirty years would be an option.   

 I am not going to lie, over the course of the next few mintues/ possible hour as  I was listening to my current lecturer I was waging in internal war with myself. 

As has been the story for a lot of my life, I was  trying to talk myself out of seeing if it was an option( I'm too old, too different in appearance, too all over the shop to be successful).

I pushed that self doubt aside and jumped in, I was a little nervous filled with adrenalin and went and spoke to my course adviser. I was trying to be intelligent in  explaining how strongly I felt  I need to continue with CD but pursue something completely different to the counselling and youth studies I initially thought I would do. 

I need to see if I can study EDUCATION alongside it, to complete a second major with the hope of being a teacher in a diverse community here, abroad,  or maybe a special ed teacher in the local community. 
My  course adviser  who must think I am a nut job, listened and spoke to the head of the intimate  small Education department. 

Internally I was still believing he would turn around and  look at me and say no sorry, I just don't think it's a good fit for her.

 Well I am excited to say,  not at all what he said. He was very encouraging,  told me he thought we should catch up sometime the next day, so I withdrew from family counselling and enrolled in developmental learning and pedagogies, to start the first class the following afternoon. 

Wednesday morning when we sat down to chat, I simply  explained how long I'd had the internal desire to be a teacher,  yet a feared I just would not be good, or fit in.
 The lecturer said he thought it was a great idea and that  I would be a welcome addition to the class. So for now I am just going to do what I can, work my hardest to achieve,  how exactly that will end I don't know,  I am so excited to be on the path of beginning. 

 I am now a uni student studying community development with a second major and a minor as part of my BA in Education/ English. Whoop whoop 

Stay tuned!

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