Thursday, 23 July 2015

My life is a bit chaotic at the moment, I am trying to make a living and support my husband by doing 3 jobs plus squeeze in being  a wife and mother. All this takes time but it seems daunting when I am also slowly, slowly  getting my own health and fitness back on track and focusing on  not dillydallying up a path that is leading me in circles.

I find balance is something my day to day routine is very much lacking in at the moment.

My fitness journey was at it's peak about 3 years ago or one year into my weight loss when I was feeling confident I could achive something I had wanted the whole of my adult life. Now I am not sure what that looks like for me anymore,  but for now I am trying to be positive with where I'm at and  who I am.

Sugar and caffeine are still my number 1 combined de railers! I do not containg the will power to just banish them both from my day, but that's no surprise as  I am weak and no coffee at the moment is not an option because I really want to be neutral about sugar and not an absaloute crack head so will focus on sugar elimination once again.

Exercise is minimal still and quite regressed to what I was doing especially legs training, it's hard to believe he is still around but  Sean is still training me after almost 4 years! Seriously  that kid deservers some kind of medal for putting up with my crazy, inconsistent, stubborn self. His dedication to his craft is admirable and I am so much better than I was 4 years ago, even if others find it hard to see I know in my heart the change was significant.

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