Thursday, 29 January 2015

It's hard to be honest with the WWW but I started this blog way back in 2012 to keep me accountable to my journey, my dreams and goals.

Not going to sugar coat it, right now I am feeling a bit down with myself, shock horror I know my outlook is usually so positive! No I just hate the physical state my body is in right now, I hate the shape my body is with no training and fat gain from the past 12 months. I love that I am working in the fitness industry but hate that I look like someone who needs the help rather than the one supplying the help.

So we are about to start a 12 week program that promotes lifestyle transformation and weight/ fat loss. I really was so focused coming into this but now that I am unable to participate in any training of intensity my motivation has gone out the window.

I start to question all that I know to be truth when I feel the depression/ blue feelings coming on and instead of being motivated to change I usually start acting in a way that would indicate I had no goals or dreams for myself.

Today I am writing it down, because I want to be honest that it's hard to stay on track, it's hard to have patience it will all come together and I will be able to train when it's been alomst 12 weeks since I've participated in a genfit or high intensity class of any kind.

So in re cap a bit sad and depressed but determined to pick myself up and focus on that which I can, the food/ nutrtion portion of the plan.

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