Thursday, 6 March 2014

So we are almost at the end of the third week of the 12 week challenge and so far I am feeling ok with how it's all going. I don't think there has been a huge change but what has changed is noticeable to me and I am happy with that. Could I do better ? I am  sure I could refine my food choices  a bit, I know that I've been focused on not giving in to craving or binges and so far I am reasonably happy.

Binging. what I mean by that word is probably different to someone else's definition. It's been a bad habit of mine for as long as I can remember, I am sure I've probably mentioned it on here before. Has it changed since I started to get my life on track? Yes it has, can it still be an issue yes it is,  but I am taking control of it one episode at a time.

Binging is never really about food, it's usually always a trigger un related to food that I chose to cope with by shoving all of the emotion down with whatever I can get my hands on. When I feel anxious and stressed it is likely to happen, when I was depressed definitely would happen, now it happens but not as often as it used to.

I view my exercise when I first joined the gym a bit like my binging, I would do way more than my body needed or could handle because it helped keep the feelings away. Did I overtrain, maybe not for some people but for me definitely my body was worn and damaged from the years it carried so much extra weight, was the exercise I was doing good? yes but some was not.

On average before I started 1/1 pt with Sean last Feb I would train for maybe 6 days and 2 times a day  for maybe 3 of those days. Even when doing 1/1 pt I was still doing a lot of extra stuff I really didn't need to be doing. Then genfit started and I am barely able to cope with those 3 sessions and maybe 1 more so from being in the gym probably 8-10 hrs a week I am there maybe 2 at the max now exercising.

Looking forward to fitX this weekend and seeing some of my fitness idols hopefully irl :)

Have a great long weekend...

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