So today is the start of genfit, I am prepared to give it my all and see what happens. Accepting of what I need to do to support my body and hopeful it will be able to cope with training.
I am starting from today to accept my body, accept that it will only perform if I respect it, pushing it to far will bring consequences I don't want and stressing over the stuff I can't do in the gym because of injury is stupid.
Recovery from an operation, which let's be honest I thought it was a claytons operation ( as in not real only a scope and scrape of arthritis) takes time. I still find the strength on my right leg ( post surgery) when doing single leg press is far less than my left,which is still waiting for surgery. The physiotherapist has said to expect recovery to take longer on that side, I under estimated just how important continued rehab is for months after as my body is repairing and healing. How have I helped that a long? Eating nutritiously or eating emotionally and drinking a bit? I am sure my fluctuating not consistent eating has not helped.
My focus has been to internal for the past few months, time to embrace the goal I have for outside of myself. My dream is to work with others who struggle in depression and anxiety unhappy with their size, lack of exercise and understanding of nutrition. I want to do all I can to achieve that which I have a passion for and stop being so self focused. It's almost a year since I was asked to take this on and my excuse was I wanted a qualification to stand behind and wouldn't do it until I had that which I wouldn't start until I reached my goal. I felt unable to start studying until I felt I was in the right place and instead of working towards it with passion and hunger, I have let it slip into nowhere part of my brain. It's still something I desperately want to do, so there is my goal to work towards, less self focus more outward focus.
I just have to say, I love chatting with people who are passionate about fitness, health, minds and bodies and their wisdom always gets me thinking. Thanks CP appreciate your time.
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