Saturday, 31 December 2016

January 1 Post:                                     HAPPY NEW YEAR


2016 Was not a terrible year for me, it was actually a year of awakening and acceptance, maturity in understanding my body and it's limitations accepting and pushing for change through working with rather than against my body.

There has been a big change to my working life as of 2 day ago, while I know the change was necessary, I am still finding it hard to process to completion. I can't actually bring myself to throw my work uniform away, a uniform I dislike it's hideously uncomfortable to wear. So I am just sitting with it at the moment, reflecting on the opportunity I had over the past 5.5 years with Specsavers to work with some amazing people who I am grateful to have known, when I am really ready to throw it out I will. I just don't want to lose that one piece of my life that has for so long been a part of me, the title that allows me to feel connected to the working world and a life outside of being wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend. just me.

I participated in a 12 week challenge at they gym in August- November and it was not a life changer for me in terms of losing body fat and changing body composition. It did make me question what kind of long term damage I have done to my body with all the dieting, poor nutrition and extreme exercise over the past 5 years and why my body is functioning worse by the end of the challenge than the beginning, when I had done things very differently to the prior  few months  to make it a success.

I am thinking about continuing education but also just studying for my own personal growth and not to " work" for the moment I would just like to be able to assist Scott and work with my husband wearing whatever want and with whatever hair I want.

After a body scan analysis I was encouraged to begin eating meat again or at the very least eggs, which is not the issue. There are plenty of plant based body building meatheads that do not include any animal products and are fine. But for some reason I was losing muscle mass and not body fat.

One of the trainers I used during the challenge gave me the contact information for  a naturopath who is science based and very informative. I've met with him twice and in two consultations he was able to establish exactly what my body composition is but also what  my cells are doing and is seems they  are not absorbing nutrients or water so I am dehydrated at a cell level and  and while I have a good amount of muscle for my frame the muscle quality is poor due to lack of nutrients. While I am dehydrated I am also carrying a lot of inflammation based fluid which is probably from both injuries and food intolerance.  Finally some answers, so for now we are working on building a stronger gut which will in turn allow for a change from the inside that should improve the outside. Already with a better b vitamin than ever before I have found my coffee consumption has dropped from every day to probably every third day.

So for this coming year I plan to be more present with myself, family,my friends and more present in the community.

 Starting with keeping a better financial budget and being responsible for moving my body daily in some way.