Saturday, 31 May 2014

So much has happened in the past 3 weeks with regard to my body, training and life. The last active training session I had was boxing almost 3 weeks ago and I am actually not that upset with how my body is feeling a little soft but not to bad considering.

My food has not been amazing, but it is so much better than this time last year after my first scope, I have some fantastic days and then there are the days like yesterday where dinner was left over home made gnocchi. It was a meal  we were delivered from our church after I had surgery, then we all  had an ice cream sunday with choc orange ice magic while watching a movie. Have not had ice magic in 6 months OMG it was so good...

So exercise wise it's been stationary bike riding for no more than 20 mins ( my physio felt he needed to clarify this did not mean 20 mins of an RPM class that would involve standing and lots of tension) not sure why he thought I would try to do that? This is combined with a list of rehab exercises.

Now if I am  to be completely honest,  with the amount of pain I am experiencing,  there is no way I could do anymore. I am able to do 1/4 squats with a fitball, bridging, calf raises a couple of other exercises specific for post surgery recovery and even  they hurt my quads and hamstrings. Last Wednesday it  actually hurt like I had been doing stiff leg deadlifts, my glutes were screaming, makes me really worried for my actual return to genfit I guess it will just be a slow process. My physiotherapist appointment is Thursday,  he said if all looks good I can start a light upper body only gym session.

My follow up appointment with the surgeon was last Tuesday, he said Kel ( he actually does call me Kel) there was a lot of damage in that knee, a lot more than we saw on the MRI, we will probably need to do this again in a couple of years. Nothing I had not expected as my left knee has always been an issue, I was 8 the first time I had to be on crutches in a 1/2 plaster cast  because of unexplained swelling and pain.

Now that I am 40, I am determined to do what's necessary to ensure that I do in fact age ok and there is no  need for another scope in 2 years because of my  negligence. That being said it is time to give up my hope of ever " running"in  a fun run. For over two years I have been advised that me feet are not made for running, now my knees are definitely not built for running,  I guess I can walk a fun run but the reality is  I won't ever be able to run on concrete without a risk of injury. I need to accept that given there is virtually no support left around my patella especially on the left side, maintaining my ability to keep active is more important than running.

So all in all, I am actually pretty happy with my post surgery recovery this time, I will continue to be mindful of all that I am doing, rehab as much as possible before trying to do more and see what I can achieve over the next 6 months.

My last observation for cert III is on Thursday night, special pops observations and a nutrition talk ( clearly no one would want my nutrition advice :-) )  then I have finished cert III and am 1/2 way through the fitness course,  cannot believe it that I have actually not procrastinated at all  :-)

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Tomorrow I have my second arthroscope in 12 months to fix torn meniscus flap and a hole in my patella. Hoping they can make it as good as the right one is although I still feel my strength in my right leg is not as strong as the left, so hoping my ability to squat and lunge will come back without to much effort....

Focused on eating well to aid recovery this time, instead of losing the plot and spiralling out of control for months on end after surgery like last year, do not want to get to a point where I feel I just cannot get back on track again after the effort of the past 12 weeks.

Life is going to be very different in a few weeks and I am excited and a little scared at what will happen in regards to my training once I am working more. I am going from working 11 hours a fortnight to working 23+ a week, which isn't huge I know but given I also work one day in the factory, trying to study and looking out for four kids, my life is busy. I am also easily distracted when trying to do my home work on the computer as you can see.....

 Currently I train with a group of people and I love it, it's just a perfect fit for me. Unfortunately I will now be working one of the days I usually train every week and another one every other week. so I am going to be more accountable for pushing myself outside of the group just as much as I do when training as part of the group. I just love the motivation and inspiration I get from training with others and I know I am not as focused when doing it by myself. Maybe I should start training with my husband...

I am pleased with this photo, I know I expected more, but for the first time in a long while I lost fat by being consistent and not trying to exercise more to counteract any not ideal food choices I may of made.

Looking at the next 12 weeks and what I can achieve for myself, without being so weighed down by scales and expectations placed on me by me...

Sunday, 4 May 2014

So I've been focused and  keeping on keeping on these past 6 weeks, don't think much has changed to my last measurements to be honest, don't feel like my clothes are any loser or they look any different but will see exactly what's going on Thursday morning!

Was surprised with the exercise I completed this week and that I'm not sore, I was tired yesterday in bed by 7:30 reading,  but sleeping has been non existent for most of the last 2 months I am lucky to get 4 hours a night :(

So last week
  Monday: Boxing  with a dude who likes to hit hard and I thought he might break my hand at one point.
Tuesday: Genfit upper body was a little intense again, but not as bad as the week before I don't think.
Wednesday: Genfit cardio and I had to give up on the last round because of my back going out doing a kb swing.
Thursday: Genfit lower body then we had observations at school and there were 5x10 min circuits I participated in with my VFA team and I did things I never thought possible like push up claps and renegades.
Friday: Boxing with myself and a grumpy instructor with sore hamstrings.
Saturday: More circuits this time outdoor in the car park at school, there was lots of challenging interesting stuff to try and it only poured once during the afternoon fortunately that wasn't when I was running suicides for that circuit. I reluctantly  decided not to do that last circuit but certainly not least which included a jog backwards, sprinting and frog jumps.....

This week will be my last before surgery so I plan to get as much in as I can, just putting it out there.